Lund Humphries Landmarks: An Organic Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright (1939)

In May 1939, nearly 75 years ago, the celebrated American architect Frank Lloyd Wright visited London and gave four lectures at the RIBA. The meetings were hailed at the time as ‘perhaps the most remarkable events of recent architectural affairs in England.  No architectural speaker in London has ever in living memory gathered such audiences.’ With great […]

Art of the Holocaust: Creativity in Extremis

27 January marks both Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK and International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The date was chosen because it was on 27 January 1945 that Soviet Union troops liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The slogan of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust is ‘Learning lessons from the past to create a safer, better future’. In […]

Book of the Week: Art as an Investment? by Melanie Gerlis

The art dealer versus the art-market journalist.  In the lecture theatre of the London Art Fair last week the scene was set for some vigorous debating. Melanie Gerlis, Art Market editor of The Art Newspaper, had just published a book which dared to question the value of art as an investment, and she was being pitted against […]