Lund Humphries Landmarks – Looking Back, Looking Forward

Valerie Holman rounds off a year of Lund Humphries anniversary celebrations with a selection of the company’s highlights and successes of the past 75 years. To celebrate 75 years of art publishing, every month this year a Lund Humphries author has focused on a single ‘landmark’ publication from the firm’s long list, bringing to light the stories behind […]

British Art Now and Then: Celebrating 75 Years of Art-book Publishing

Back in the 1940s, when Britain still had an Empire and Peter Gregory was developing a fledgling art-publishing list at Lund Humphries, contemporary British art was relatively straightforward to define, even if Britishness and avant-garde art sometimes seemed awkward bedfellows. At the Lund Humphries 75th anniversary talk at the ICA on 26th November 2014, the […]