Modern Art, After Dark

Your head is coated by a thick soup of black and green paint. A roughly smeared handprint of grey-blue smoke tarnishes your jaw while sharp flecks of orange, pale yellow and white sting your cheeks and eyes. A wave of red threatens to permeate the scene as you look up, enraged, at the dandified artist […]

Lund Humphries Landmarks – Looking Back, Looking Forward

Valerie Holman rounds off a year of Lund Humphries anniversary celebrations with a selection of the company’s highlights and successes of the past 75 years. To celebrate 75 years of art publishing, every month this year a Lund Humphries author has focused on a single ‘landmark’ publication from the firm’s long list, bringing to light the stories behind […]

Art Everywhere: ‘A Very, Very Big Art Show’

We’re four days into a fortnight-long initiative being touted as the world’s largest art show. Called Art Everywhere and supported by Innocent Drinks’ Richard Reed, the Art Fund, Tate and the poster industry, the project has seen 57 works by British artists appear on billboards, bus stops and black cabs around the UK. Until 25 […]