British Art Now and Then: Celebrating 75 Years of Art-book Publishing

Back in the 1940s, when Britain still had an Empire and Peter Gregory was developing a fledgling art-publishing list at Lund Humphries, contemporary British art was relatively straightforward to define, even if Britishness and avant-garde art sometimes seemed awkward bedfellows. At the Lund Humphries 75th anniversary talk at the ICA on 26th November 2014, the […]

Lund Humphries Landmarks – William Scott: Paintings, edited and introduced by Alan Bowness, with contributions from Michel Ragon and Werner Schmalenbach (1964)

Frances Spalding discusses the modern ‘cool’ of Lund Humphries’ 1960s monograph on William Scott and reflects on the cementing of the artist’s style in the preceding decade. This monograph followed the format laid down by the first Lund Humphries monograph in 1944, but its style belongs very definitely to the 1960s. The typeface chosen is […]

Countdown to 1st September! Polish your entries for our Emerging Art Writers Competition

Sharpen your pencils. Fire up your laptops. Get in copious quantities of strong coffee. The deadline for our Emerging Art Writers competition is under three weeks away, and the British art world is waiting for your brilliant, considered and exquisitely written contributions to the question ‘What, if anything, is the legacy of British Modernism in […]